Link to registration is located at the bottom of this page!
Before you register, please read through our workshop options!
***If you are interested in having a table at the conference for your ministry, you will need to apply to become an FLD ministry partner. Please contact Steph Berg (sberg@forestlakes-efca.org) and fill out an application here if you do not already have one with us.***
BEFORE REGISTERING, please read through the descriptions to determine which workshops would be best for you! If there are several that you would like to attend, don’t worry, we will have recordings of all the sessions available after the conference!
A highlight of many at the Forest Lakes conferences is the Affinity Network time. This time is designed to connect ministry leaders with other in their ministry space. It's possible that you may be feeling the loneness that ministry can bring, this time is designed for you to find others to walk alongside you!
Best practices are shared, brainstorming takes place, and most importantly, connections are made. Our prayer is that the connections made during this time will continue beyond the conference.
Hispanic / Cosecha Network
Multicultural Engagement / All Peoples
Office Administrators
Finance / HR / Operations
Associate Pastors/Directors/Adult Ministry
Campus/Multi-Site Pastors
Children & Family Ministry Leaders
Church Planters
Elders & Other Lay Leaders
Executive Pastors/Directors
Interim Pastors
Missions & Community Partnerships
Multiple Staff Senior Pastors
Solo Pastors
Student Ministry Leaders
Womens Ministry
Worship & Tech Leaders
Church Planters Wives
Young Adults/College Ministry
Partnership Ministries
Small Groups/Life Groups Directors
Assimilation Teams / Greeting / Welcome / Connection Team
Care Ministries
Who is this conference for?
The FLD Ministry Leaders Fall Conference is for everyone who is on staff or is a key leader at your church! Each of you play an extremely important role in the mission God has in our district.
If you are married, please know your spouse is encouraged and invited to attend! We know that your spouse is your biggest encourager and supporter. They are equally a part of the FLD Family, and we would love to have them there with you!
What are ministry partners and are ministry partners able to host a table at the conference?
We do have ministry partner booths at the conference. However, there is limited availability. To inquire, please apply to be a partner with us here!
Once the application has been received, our FLD Executive team will either approve or deny your application based on the criteria we have set. We are seeking ministries affiliated with the EFCA to be at our conferences.
Please note: All people at your table will need to register for the conference.
Are there financial scholarships to attend the conference available?
We do not want financial issues to keep you from attending the conference. If you are in need of assistance, it would be our joy to talk with you and support you in whatever way we can. Please contact us at rweise@forestlakes-efca.org; subject: financial scholarship.
I have more or other questions about the conference. Who can I contact?
For all conference needs or questions, please contact us at ldovichi@forestlakes-efca.org, Subject: FLD Ministry Leaders Fall Conference 2022.
We are happy to help in any way that we can!