Jon Payne
Hello! My name is Jon Payne. I grew up in Iowa, and at the age of five, came to know the love of my heavenly Father through the loving example of my earthly father. While at a camp in Clear Lake, Iowa, I sensed God’s call on my life to surrender to Paul’s challenge in Romans 12:1 to “...as an act of worship, surrender as a living sacrifice...”I met my wife Kim through a mutual friend during our senior year of high school. We were married on Valentine’s Day 1987.Together, we have had many opportunities to minister to children, youth and adults. We have also led many inner-city, international, and local mission trips. By God’s grace, we have been able to impact hundreds of students and adults through camps, retreats, and mission trips.Kim and I have two adult married daughters, Kristin and Jessica.
I have been in vocational ministry for over 30 years as a student ministry pastor, Fellowship of Christian Athletes staff member, interim senior pastor, and senior pastor. I became District Superintendent of the Forest Lakes District of the Evangelical Free Church of America in November of 2016.I believe that the message C.H. Spurgeon preached in 1863 is just as relevant today: “The Church of Jesus Christ is the Hope of the World.” I have invested my entire life in the church and am committed to seeing how Christ will build the churches of the FLD, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against His Church!